Innovation for greater freedom.
Between 2010 and 2012, theratecc worked with the Institut für Medizin- und Dentaltechnik Leipzig (Leipzig Institute of Medical and Dental Technology) to develop the Centric Guide® system in response to a real need.
“I spent a long time looking for a system or concept that was suitable for daily use. In the twenty years now that I have been a dental technician, we have used various concepts and systems. To begin with, our customers were often prepared to strike out in a new direction. But on a day-to-day basis, many of these directions turned out to be very costly, so we came up with the idea of developing our own simple and, above all, day-to-day solution.“
Christian Wagner, master dental technician
The technical expertise of his business partner, design engineer Michael Spindler, was particularly useful.
The highest priority during development was accuracy of measurement and thus reproducibility. The system records all vertical lower jaw movements to an accuracy of one thousandth of a millimeter. It was also important that the workflow was straightforward and as error-free as possible. The result is the world’s first digital support-pin registration system, which now makes it possible to record all vertical lower jaw movements. No product on the market has hitherto offered such a simple and simultaneously reproducible, radiation-free procedure for determining jaw relations.
“Costly reworking of new prosthetics, which is time-consuming and frustrating for all concerned, can be minimised if not completely eliminated thanks to the Centric Guide® system – a wonderful win-win situation.” Christian Wagner, master dental technician, Managing Director of theratecc GmbH & Co. KG