Centric Guide easy® - analogous system for determination of a centric relation
The Centric Guide easy® system is the worlds first 3D supporting pin based registration process, which allows to analogously record and visualize all vertical movements of the lower jaw.
Centric Guide easy® is used for the determination of the patients individual centric relation in every indication area (toothed and edentulous). Thanks to the vertical pen, the highest point of
both fossae is now clearly determinable within a few minutes and can be immediately taken over into a centric bite registration direclty in the mouth of the patient.
Possible misalignments of the lower jaw will then be visible and evaluable within the articulatior. The centric bite relation can now be taken over into an individual bite splint.
Before analyzation, impressions, models, face bow registration and individual registration templates are manufactured as you know it from a normal supporting pin based registration. The 3D record unit will be inserted into the registration template of the upper jaw. The template of the lower jaw holds the supporting pin unit with horizontal and vertical pencils. The horizontal pen is spring mounted. This allows movements in sagital and transversal direction at the same time.