  • CentricGuide digitaleBissnahme
    Future means Centric Guide®
    digital bite registration
    without reworks


Intuitive Workflow - result in only three steps

With only a few system components Centric Guide® offers an intuitive, forward-thinking workflow for every reproducible bite registration in centric relation. This is both analogously as well as digitally feasible.




1st session

Classic impression taking of upper and
lower jaw as well as facebow registration.

1st session

Digital impression taking and transfer
to the dental lab.

Manufacturing of models, articulation
and the registration templates.
Model production with 3D print and
manufacturing of the registration templates.

2nd session

Centric Guide® registration, creating of
a bite registration with bite material.

2nd session

Centric Guide® registration, facebow
registration, centric jaw relation
(record via intra oral scanner, visualization).

Articulation of models with the help of
the Centric Guide® bites; evaluation of
tooth contacts in centric relation;
manufacturing of an individual bite splint.
Data transfer of the centric bite relation
from the dental practice,
manufacturing of the individual bite splint.

3rd session

Visualization of the centric jaw relation within
the articulator and implementing the bite splint.

3rd session

Implementation of the bite splint.


Centric Guide® 2 - digital system for the determination of the centric bite relation

The awarded Centric Guide® system is the first supporting-pin based registration process worldwide, which allows to record and visualize all vertical movements of the mandible.

Centric Guide® is used for the determination of the patients individual centric relation in every indication (toothed and edentulous). Thanks to the future-oriented sensor technology, the highest point of both fossae is now clearly determinable within a few minutes and can be immediately taken over into a centric bite registration direclty in the mouth of the patient.

Possible misalignments of the lower jaw will then be visible and evaluable in the articulatior. The centric bite relation can now be taken over into an individual bite splint.

Impressions, models, facebow registration as well as individual registration templates are manufactured before the actual analyzation. The supporting pin with sensor will be inserted in the upper jaw template. The lower jaw template holds the cross sliding table, which allows concurrent movements in sagital or transversal direction. With the help of the innovative stopping system, the patients ideal postion can be fixed directly intraoral and seamlessly taken over into a digital or analogous bite registration. The ideal range of the centric relation will be displayed clearly in our Centric Guide® software.


centric guide function 


Your advantages in overview

  • worldwide unique

  • the first time you are able to record all vertical mandible movements including an instant overpass into a reproducible bite registration

  • enough tongue space thanks to grazile system components

  • highest standards in functionality, hygiene and data security

  • modular Centric Guide® software enables a custom configuration

  • highly economic due to usability in all indication areas (in toothed and edentulous jaws, orthodontics, implant prosthetics and full dentures)

(Just available in german language.) See how simple the Centric Guide® is to use here. You can request the full product video from us via the following number: +49 371 26 79 12 20. 

Interested in a Centric Guide®?

We provide a customisable enquiry form so that you can select from a range of payment methods and leasing arrangements for our devices. Fill this out right here on your computer, tablet or smartphone and we will send you a personalised quote without delay. 

You can submit your specific enquiry here.
